Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Future

Hi there Blogmasters,

When I was a young boy, I thought it would be nice to be a teacher. However, that idea only lasted 5 minutes and I soon decided I'd be a footballer, a musician or a movie director. Now, 100 hundred years later, here I am teaching in Chile. Believe me, it wasn't what I imagined I'd be doing. I’ve lived in lots of different places, done lots of different jobs and met lots of different people. So, in my experience, life very rarely turns out how we plan it. In fact, it would be very boring if it did. Just think, when I was your age there were no mobile phones, no commercial computers and the internet didn’t exist. How weird is that!

Anyway, today I’d like you to get out your crystal ball and try and imagine what you’ll be doing in 10 years time.
Where you think you’ll be,
What occupation you think you’ll be doing,
Who you’ll share your life with (family/partner/children, etc)
What things you will have achieved,
What changes the world will have seen.
Mention anything else you think is important.
Write at least 250 words. Leave a comment on your teacher’s blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Long Weekend

Hi Bloggers,

This week I'd like you to write about the long weekend and what you did.

My Friday & Saturday were fairly normal so the highlight of my weekend was Sunday. First,  I watched Liverrpool win their first game of the new Premier League (English Football) against arch rivals Arsenal. Later, at midday I held a Bowieton in my flat that lasted for 12 hours (plus a bit more).

The Arsenal - Liverpool football match was really exciting. Liverpool went a goal behind but then scored 4 great goals that left Arsenal bewildered. Then, after a couple of substitutions Arsenal pulled a couple of goals back making it 3 - 4 so the last 10 minutes was nailbitting.

The Bowieton ran from 12 noon to 12 midnight. I'd invited about 30 people but only half turned up. Anyway, we listened to Bowie songs, watched Bowie films & videos and ate, drank & talked.

This was a get together that I'd been talking about doing for the last couple of months but I just didn't manage to organise sooner. To coincide with the event, I posted Bowie songs on Facebook from all the letters of the alphabet throughout the day (from Aladdin Sane to Ziggy Stardust).

I really had a great day. I listened to lots of wonderful music, hung out with lots of fun people and paid homage to my hero. I think I'll have to organise Bowieton 2 for Bowie's Birthday on January 8th. However, this time I'd like to find a bigger space & invite more people.

Write about what you did last weekend:
What things you did,
Who you saw.
What you enjoyed most.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a post on my blog and on the blogs of at lease 3 classmates.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Classmate's blog

Write a review of the blog of the classmate below you on the blog list on your teacher’s blog.

Who it is,
How many posts they have written,
Describe the page design & layout
How many pictures/photos/videos there are.

Choose one post:
What it is about,
How many words it has
Why you chose it.

Review the language using the Revision Code.

Publish the revision on your blog & leave a comment on your classmate’s blog telling them you have revised their blog. Leave a similar comment on your teacher’s blog.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Family Member

Good Morning FAU Bloggers:

Today I'd like you to write about someone from your family. It could be a brother or sister, one of your parents or another relative (uncle, aunt, cousin, etc). I'm going to write about my brother Adrian. Well Adrian, or Ady (AD?) as we like to call him, currently lives in New Zealand with his wife and 2 kids - Ella and Freya. He was a happy child, always joking and trying to make people laugh. He had a good temperament and rarely got angry. He learnt carpentry when he was a teenager and now works repairing violins and chelos and making groovy furniture. Ady is 18 months younger than me and we've always had a great relationship. He is someone you can depend on and is always ready to help out if things are complicated or you have a problem. The rest of the time he loves fooling about and playing music. He is a very good guitar player and an excellent violin player. He taught himself both instruments when he was younger. He is very perseverant. When he starts something he makes sure he keeps working on it until its right. Mostly, he just makes me laugh.

Here's a mix I did of one of Ady's songs:

Write about someone from your Family.


Who it is,

What they do,

What they are like,

What sort of relationship you have with them.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Long Weekend

Dear FAU Bloogers:

This week I'd like you to write about what you did over the long weekend. In my case it involved a lot of football, music, food & family. My weekend actually began on Friday at about 3pm. I had been having some trouble with one of my music making devices over the last few days - I think the hard drive is dying - so I mixed down a few tracks I'd been working on. Later in the evening I had a nice meal with my wife and we watched a bit of TV. On Saturday morning I went to the market and did the weekly fruit and vegtable shopping. At lunch time my wife and I have a dinner engagement at a friend's house. There were about 9 adults and 10 children. We all cooked something different (I prepared a Prawn & Aubergine Curry) and we shared food, drinks and stories for a few hours. In the evening, we went to visit another friend before getting home at about 10.00. I just rekaxed at home for the rest of the evening. On Sunday I played a bit of music and then went out for lunch with my wife. We went to a soup restaurant in Barrio Italia called Cilantro. Later we did things a home until the football game between Chile and Argentina. I'd have lots of invitations to meet up with friends but I prefered to watch it at home with my wife and a few beers. It was a great result for Chile who deserved to win.
On Monday, which was a holiday, my brother-in-law and nephew came for lunch. I also managed to watch Italy beat Spain and England loose to Island in the Euro Copa. In the evening I played some more music and then watched a movie with my wife.
A nice relaxing weekend:)
Write about what you did last weekend.
What you did,
Who you spent your time with,
What enjoyable things you did,
What you did on the holiday Monday.

Mention anything else you thing is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher’s blog and on the blogs of 5 classmates.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The First Cd You Bought or Where Given

Hi there blogheads!

As I think most of you know, I'm a big music fan. I've been buying music since I was 9 years old when my eldest sister, Terri, got me to contribute my pocket money to buy a record by Scottish group The Marmalade. However, as I'm a very old man, that record was a vinyl single (or a 45). I think the first CD I ever bought was Mezzanine by Massive Attack although I didn't actually have a cd player at the time.
I remember I bought it in a record shop in Preston where I was studying. My wife (girlfriend at that point) encouraged me to buy it because we were both big Massive Attack fans. I thought it was a great album (and still do) but not as good as their first 2 albums (Blue Lines and Protection).
My favourite tracks are Angel and Risingson. The music is quite dark and not very “up” (happy). Massive Attack are well known as pioneers of trip-hop, a mix of hip-hop and psychedelic sounds, but I think this album isn’t a good representation of the genre. The band was using real instruments (guitar & drums) for the first time and this makes it fairly experimental. Most people like this album because of the song “Teardrop• sung by Elizabeth Frazier from indie band the Cocteau Twins.
Write about the first CD you ever bought?
Who it was by,
When and where you bought it,
Why you liked it.
If you still like it now,
Which songs you like best and why.

Mention anything else you thing is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher’s blog and on the blogs of 5 classmates.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Place to Eat

Hi Blogheads:

When I was younger, I loved to go out clubbing or to parties. However, in recent years I tend to go out to eat rather than to dance. Santiago has some great restaurants and you can eat out quite cheaply. There are "picadas" like Golfo di Napoli or slightly more expensive places with wonderful International cuisine like Thai House or Olan (Peruvian). My wife and I are Pescatarians, we eat fish and seafood but not meat (of any kind) so that is always a factor when we eat out.

My current favorite restaurant is Rishtedar, an Indian restaurant in Providencia (Hollanda with Pio X). Rishtedar serves authentic Indian food that, whilst not cheap, is reasonably priced given the quality of the dishes it serves. Many of the dishes are spicy hot and there is a scale of spiciness from 1 to 6 (from mild to blow-your-head-off). I love spicy food but grade 4 is as hot as I can stand. 

Actually, nowadays, Indian food is the most popular food in Britain so, for me, going to Rishtedar is like getting a taste of home. My favourite dish is Goa Machi Curry with basmati rice and nam bread. 

This is the website if you fancy checking it out http://www.rishtedar.com/. I highly recommend this restaurant. Try to get your mum and dad or boyfriend/girlfriend to treat you to a meal and discover the wonderful delights of Rishtedar.

Write about somewhere you like to eat out.


What it’s called,

Where it is,

What it serves,

What you like to eat there.

Mention anything else you thing is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.