Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Long Weekend

Dear FAU Bloogers:

This week I'd like you to write about what you did over the long weekend. In my case it involved a lot of football, music, food & family. My weekend actually began on Friday at about 3pm. I had been having some trouble with one of my music making devices over the last few days - I think the hard drive is dying - so I mixed down a few tracks I'd been working on. Later in the evening I had a nice meal with my wife and we watched a bit of TV. On Saturday morning I went to the market and did the weekly fruit and vegtable shopping. At lunch time my wife and I have a dinner engagement at a friend's house. There were about 9 adults and 10 children. We all cooked something different (I prepared a Prawn & Aubergine Curry) and we shared food, drinks and stories for a few hours. In the evening, we went to visit another friend before getting home at about 10.00. I just rekaxed at home for the rest of the evening. On Sunday I played a bit of music and then went out for lunch with my wife. We went to a soup restaurant in Barrio Italia called Cilantro. Later we did things a home until the football game between Chile and Argentina. I'd have lots of invitations to meet up with friends but I prefered to watch it at home with my wife and a few beers. It was a great result for Chile who deserved to win.
On Monday, which was a holiday, my brother-in-law and nephew came for lunch. I also managed to watch Italy beat Spain and England loose to Island in the Euro Copa. In the evening I played some more music and then watched a movie with my wife.
A nice relaxing weekend:)
Write about what you did last weekend.
What you did,
Who you spent your time with,
What enjoyable things you did,
What you did on the holiday Monday.

Mention anything else you thing is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher’s blog and on the blogs of 5 classmates.

1 comment:

  1. i teach Korean to the korean kids who's borned in Chile every Satureday. so i feel the tiems are going very fast every weekend XD
